Welcome to the website of the examination office 'MINT' (STEM)
Until further notice, certificates ("Scheine") will be accepted in electronic form (pdf) if they are sent directly by the examiner or his/her secretary from the official UdS email address to the examination office.
Electronic certificates sent by students will only be accepted if they are sent from the official student UdS email address (usually similar to s8....@uni-saarland.de) and the examiner gets a copy via his/her UdS email address.
In case of doubt, the examination office will ask the examiner.
If your submission date lies between 23.12.2024 and 01.01.2025 it is postponed to 02.01.2025.
Except for the aformentioned week you can hand in your thesis via the book return box in the library Mathematics and Computer Science as usual.
You can send the thesis by post or hand it in via the book return box in the library Mathematics and Computer Science (Campus E 2.3).
If you send the thesis by post, the date of posting is decisive (= date of submission).
If the submission deadline takes place on a saturday, sunday or a public holiday, you can submit the thesis on the next business day.
You can find your deadline date in the LSF under "registered courses".
If a thesis is written in English, the Declaration of Authorship always has to be included also in German.
Informations of the Faculty MI on how to use third party results in your own thesis are available here.
Hints of the Faculty NT to avoid plagiarism can be found here.
The given rules hold for every study programme.